So, I have a little tradition where, each year, I make a playlist of my favourite songs of the year. Even though I've called this post 'The Best Songs of 2014', obviously that's not entirely true, one, music is sooooo subjective, and two, I can't say that I've listened to every single song that has come out this year. So, with that in mind, this post should really be renamed 'A List of Songs That I Have Heard, Liked, and Remembered The Name Of, That Came Out in 2014'. With that, enjoy ...
Touch | Shift K3Y
This is probably my most played song of the year - I LOVE IT! It's perfect for psyching me up in the morning, or keeping me motivated at the gym, or dancing to on the tube, this song is my jam. I have no doubts that this song will continue to climb my most played list in 2015 (it's currently at no. 12).
Champagne Kisses | Jessie Ware
Jessie Ware's album was one of the best of the year, so in some ways it was hard to choose just one song to put on this list (yep, maybe I need to amend the post's title again to 'A List of Songs That I Have Heard, Liked, and Remembered The Name Of, That Came Out in 2014, Limited to Just One Song Per Artist'). However, Champagne Kisses is a particularly stand-out track on this album. I have a weakness for people singing in falsetto, so this, along with the do do dos, make this song a keeper.
Rather Be | Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne
This song really kicked off this year, and for good reason. To me, it perfectly sums up where music is right now, and, in some ways, also where it should be. It's a mixture of electronic beats, strong (female) vocals, and strings, which you can never go wrong with. This is one of those songs that, so far, is yet to get old. I've heard it so many times, whether on my iPod, on the radio, or on TV, but I am still able to listen to it all the way through.
Best Mistake | Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean
Oh how I love Ariana Grande (see: this entire post dedicated to her), and although I don't love her new album anywhere near as much as I the first, I still give appreciation where it's due, namely 'Best Mistake'. This song is so different from anything Ariana has done before, and, long story short, it's really good. I really like Big Sean's part in this song, and I really need to check out his solo stuff (because I've been a fan of his features for ages, 'Mercy' anyone?).
Don't | Ed Sheeran
Until 2014, I really didn't like Ed Sheeran. I thought he was overrated, and frankly, not that good. However, that all changed when I watched his performance at Glastonbury (on TV of course). The way he managed to captivate an audience of god-knows-how-many people with just him and his guitar sold me on his talent. I then went on to download his new album, and the rest, as they say, is history. When I first got the album I thought 'Thinking Out Loud' would have been the song to make this list, but, due to it being MASSIVELY overplayed, and covered so badly by so many people, I've kind of come to hate it. So, second choice, Don't, what's better than an entire song dedicated to slamming Ellie Goulding? (Mwahaha I hate her.) I also love the unique sound that Ed's got going on this new album, he's kept to his roots, but also managed to turn it up a dial. #thisreviewistoolong
Tell Me It's Okay | Paramore
It's OK! So, I'm the biggest Paramore fan, they are my life, and so when they announced they were releasing the deluxe version of their album 'Paramore', including a grand total of ONE NEW SONG (!), my body was ready. This song isn't my favourite Paramore song, but, as the song seems to know itself, it's OK! Whatever Pmore's new song had been I would have put it on this list, because NEW MUSIC!
All The Ways You Let Me Down | Candy Hearts
Another of my favourite albums of the year came courtesy of Candy Hearts. It really was hard to choose a single song for this list, but the chorus of this song kills it. I'm trying not to write a lot here, because I have a whole Candy Hearts post planned.
Seal Me With A Kiss | Jessie J feat. De La Soul
As you guys know from this post, I've been a fan of Jessie J for a long time, but have been more than a little disappointed with her second and third albums. This song however, is a stand out, and I love it. It's funky and upbeat, and Jessie's voice is showcased flawlessly. GIVE. ME. MORE.
Wrapped Up | Olly Murs feat. Travie McCoy
So, I'm kind of embarrassed to put this on my playlist, because it really is a guilty pleasure. I'm on a happy music trip at the moment (what with the 1975's 'Girls' compiling approximately 50% of my music listening this year), and this song is all about happy. It just makes me want to dance.
Uptown Funk | Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars
What, what!? This song is this shiz. It's equally Michael Jackson and something futuristic, iPhone 6? I really hope this song sparks a music revolution in 2015. Bring. Back. The. Funk! Fleur's version of this should have won her The X Factor. Just sayin'.
Steal My Girl | One Direction
1D's new album is the cat's pyjamas, and choosing one song was hard. It was a choice between this, Stockholm Syndrome and Where Do Broken Hearts go, but the video for this song (minus Niall and his general awfulness) sold it to me. Harry and Zayn look soooooo goooooood, and yep. That's all.
Ain't It Fun (Live at Red Rocks) | Paramore
(OK, the title needs another amendment: 'A List of Songs That I Have Heard, Liked, and Remembered The Name Of, That Came Out in 2014, Limited to Just One Song Per Artist, Unless That Artist is Paramore'. Great, glad we cleared that up.) I didn't think Ain't It Fun could get any better, it's in my top 20 most played twice (album version and leaked album version - sorrynotsorry), because of its funkiness and Hayley's voice, and the choir and the bass and just everything, so when they came along and released this live version, I was floored. It's SOOOOOOO good! Hayley ups the vocals 200000 times, the bass is turned up <3, and there's a lil' baby child singing in the middle that adds cuteness. This live version is amazing, and the perfect song to end my 2014 Best Of Playlist with.