Monday, 10 November 2014

Top Five Paramore Covers

Over the years Paramore have covered loads of great songs, from hardcore rock songs to country slow jams. They're all fantastic, but these are my top five!

Sunday, Bloody Sunday | U2

I heard this version before I ever heard the original, and while both of them have their charm, I really like the way Hayley's sweet baby voice contrasts to the raw lyrics.

Use Somebody | Kings of Leon

Like most of the covers in this post, this is from the brand new eyes era, when I was seriously obsessed with Paramore. If you go back to the week of this cover in the comments on, you'll find that I correctly guessed that they'd be covering this song in the Live Lounge. One of my greatest achievements.

Long Distance Call | Phoenix

At the time of this cover this kind of song was pretty un-Paramoreish. It had a funky vibe that we hadn't really heard before. Thankfully we got more of it with tracks like Ain't It Fun. Also Hayley's voice sounds so great and husky here. 

You Ain't Woman Enough | Loretta Lynn

Watch this and tell me Hayley Williams isn't one of the greatest singers of our generation. You can't can you? This was filmed about a month before the first time I saw Paramore live and made me 100 times more excited to see this in the flesh. 

My Hero | Foo Fighters

Paramore recorded this cover in 2006 for The Sound of Superman album, but only got round to performing it live in 2010. This is one of my favourite songs, and I love seeing it covered by my favourite band. 

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