Ok, so at the end of every year I make a playlist of what I think were the best songs of previous 12 months. Usually I then burn the songs on to CDs and give the out as cheap Christmas presents. Well, I did neither of those things this year, as I've only just remembered to make the playlist! Thankfully, the forward-thinking me has been adding songs to the playlist all year, so here are what I think were the best songs of 2015...
Fifth Harmony - Reflection
Ok, so I was struggling to choose just one 5H song to put on this list, but when your mum knows most of the words to a song because you play it so much, the song is chosen for you.
Nick Jonas - Santa Barbara
Ok, so this song is my everything.
Miguel - Coffee
Urgh I love everything about this song. The bridge is just perfect.
Fetty Wap - 679
I used to be sooo into Hip Hop, but to me, nowadays it all either all sounds the same or is so offensive I can't listen. So when I heard Trap Queen and 679, I kind of fell in love.
One Direction - History
Ok, so I listen to a LOT of One Direction, and my favourite songs of theirs are probably all on FOUR, but I didn't want Made In The A.M. not to get a mention. It was tough to choose between Drag Me Down, Infinity, Perfect and History, but the meaning behind this songs led me to add it to the list.
Marroon 5 - Sugar
So there was a time earlier this year, maybe in February, where I had this song on repeat for about two weeks. I love it. Not to sound like a total hipster, but I loved Maroon 5's first album, but recently their music has become a bit too samey and boring. However, when they released Sugar, which is like super happy (and that's what I'm looking for music wise at the moment), I just gave in. Also the video may or may not bring a tear to my eye.
Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do
So if you know me, you know that I absolutely HATE Ellie Goulding. I really can't stand her breathy voice, and when I saw her live at Chime for Change she was terrible. BUT, I really like this song. I don't find her voice as horrendous as on previous songs, and I actually kind of like her falsetto (2013 Dolly would shoot me for saying that).
Little Mix - Black Magic
As I said, I'm on a happy music kick, and this is probably the most candy-coated pop song of the year. I love Little Mix, I actually wrote a whole post about them here, and although I do like their new album, some of the sex references are just like ... woah. A.D.I.D.A.S. I'm talking to you.
The 1975 - UGH!
UGH! I love The 1975. I'm definitely gonna dedicate a whole post to them. Freaking love them. I'm kind of devastated because I bought tickets to see them in March but I'm not gonna be in the country :( Hopefully they'll tour again later in the year, because the last time I saw them I wasn't as big of a fan as I am now.
Justin Bieber - Love Yourself
I've never been embarrassed to like Justin Bieber, but this year he made it a lot easier to outwardly like him by releasing some genuinely good music.
Ed Sheeran & Rudimental - Bloodstream
Favourite Ed Sheeran song by a mile (well tied with I See Fire), and this video is freaking epic!
As you can see, 2015 was the year I got back into listening to chart music. Thank you Apple Music. For the record, I have lined up some classic albums to listen to while I'm travelling, so my ears will be subjected to a bit more variety.
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