Saturday, 17 January 2015

My Goals for 2015

So, I've split this post into resolutions, i.e. the boring stuff, and goals. Resolutions are things that I didn't do so well last year, and want to work on in 2015, and goals are bigger things that I want to accomplish in the coming year.

  • Take vitamins every day
  • Go to the gym at least once a week
  • Take my camera out at least once a week - ready-made blog post right?
  • Go to the cinema once a week - I have the Cineworld Unlimited pass and I need to start getting the most out of it.
  • Make time for blogging/Blog at least twice a week
  • Read 25 books - read more about this here
  • Get 100 views a day on this blog - I'm not sure if this is goal is too big or too small, but, either way, it's what I'm aiming for. 
  • Save £2000 by May - not 100% sure if this is feasible, but I'm definitely going to need quite a bit of cash to go travelling with
  • Make and sell a product on Etsy - OK, so this may sound kind of generic, and that I haven't really thought about it at all, but the truth is I really have. This is something I've wanted to do for aggess, but just haven't got round to working out all the details with. I know what I want to sell, the next step is just figuring how to make it to the highest standard while still managing to keep the production relatively cheap. Anywho, as if there wasn't enough to be excited about this year #watchthisspace. 
  • Visit 10 new countries - sooooo I already have one lined up - I'm going to Trinidad in February! Woohoo!!!! I've got loads of family out there, and as my cousin was already going for Carnival, I thought I'd tag along! I'm so excited I want to cry. 
  • Post at least two videos of me singing on YouTube - this is something I realllllllly want to do, but am just ridiculously nervous about.
  • Write and share three original songs - the studio session with my dad the other day was really great, and I think, with a lot of work on my part, we could get some cool songs out of it. 
  • Make, and stick to a blogging schedule - I had this locked down last summer when I was doing nothing else, but now I've got a pretty much full-time job, I need to come up with a schedule that makes the most of the little free time I have, while still leaving me time to do more relaxing things like binge-watching The West Wing. 
  • Move out of home - since coming back from uni I've been living with my mum, and it's not the best, so ... another goal for this year is to move in with my friends, and I'm pretty sure this might actually happen towards the tail end of this year. 

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