Yep, the post title is exactly the same as one of Elise's, but she just says it, and does it, so well. Also, as per usual, I'm about to tell you how busy I am (Mindy wouldn't like that), and that again I'm working a full week next week so, this post is just a little update in the style of Elise (if you don't read her blog you really should).
listening to a LOT of One Direction, I'm slightly obsessed, and it's driving me crazy.
watching The West Wing. One of my friends mentioned it the other day so I thought I'd take this opportunity, where I don't currently have a series I'm burning through, to watch it. I'm about half way through season 2, and I love it. I feel like The West Wing has inspired so many modern TV shows, I'm noticing loads of parallels.
reading Say Yes. Still. Have you got the picture yet that I'm busy? I just feel like I haven't caught up with myself yet, I need a few days off to be able to plan my time a bit better. Hopefully I'll be able to do that tomorrow.
needing to go to the gym. I've not been for over a month and I'm really feeling it. Also, they have the best showers.
working thirty-nine hour weeks. I know, I know, everyone does it, but before I got this job I was literally doing nothing, so it's still a bit of a shock to the system. I just realised I don't think I told you guys that I got promoted!? I'm now a supervisor - check me, 50p more per hour! I still haven't told them that I'm planning to travel for 3 - 6 months in May, but ... meh.
singing in the studio. Yes! You read that right! I went to a studio practice room with my dad on Tuesday and actually did some singing! It took a while to get into it, I had to sing His Eye Is On The Sparrow to ease myself in (that's the song I sing around the house constantly), but it went well. My dad has his own band, so spends a lot of time playing around with Logic, so he'd made some trial backing tracks that I sung over which was fun. I couldn't think of any lyrics, so I just sung the words to Vision of Love over his funky-disco track and Little Things over the techno.
feeling cold, tired and miserable. Yay Winter!
thinking about my goals for 2015. Don't fret, as soon as I know them you'll know them.
spending wayyyy too much money in the sales, I bought four jumpers for work, loads of earrings and the Star Wars Vans that I've wanted for ages, they were half price!
hoping to get a new post out on Monday!
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