Monday, 5 January 2015

What I Got For Christmas

So, I rarely post the same things as other people post, because I'm boring/original/totally out of the loop (delete as appropriate), BUT I got some pretty cool shit for Christmas, so ... queue the bragging! My biggest gift was from my dad, and he's bought us some time in a rehearsal space in a music studio where we're gonna write some songs together and try to get me more comfortable singing in front of people, because, if I do want to be a singer, I really need to be able to sing in front of people. I'm not sure exactly when we're going to do that, but hopefully as soon as possible. I've been holding back on my dream for so long, just pushing it to the background trying to drown it out, but now I've come to the realisation that life is what you make it, and if I really do want to make music, I need to freaking do it! Wow, writing that almost made me cry - hopefully that's a good sign.

So apart from that present I got a few bits from my mum including this mug she made me. Cool eh? I'm trying to convince her to start selling them on Etsy, I think they'd go down a treat.

I got these DVDs from my cousins, and I want to watch them now! I saw both these films in the cinema this year and they were amazing. 

I got this MAC makeup from my aunt. Woohoo dark lipstick! It's a bit more purpley that I usually go, but I'll try and make it work.

For reasons unknown, someone always gets me Marc Jacobs' Daisy in some form or another, and this year my grandma got me this set of mini bottles. 
 My dad also got me this POP figure. I am trying to collect them, but at £10 each, it's not that feasible for me at the moment, what with trying to save money for travelling and all.

Anyway, I had a pretty good haul this year, and, if I say so myself, gave pretty well too. Along with these things I got a ton of chocolate, but, it's been a week since Christmas, so that's all gone. I love Christmas, and as much as I love getting presents, I think I prefer giving them more. When I'm rolling in it in the future I can't wait to buy people all the things they want (as well as multiple copies of my albums, films, books and action figures (yes I went there) - mwahahaha).

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