This past weekend I found myself at the V-Delicious Show, an event showcasing the biggest names in the vegetarian and vegan world, as well as some fantastic up and comers. I managed to spend a good few hours sampling, buying and chatting to the sellers.
I can't not start with how I got in, because I got in for free! Woo! A lady came up to me as I was walking in and gave me a free ticket. Pretty awesome, huh? I think the tickets were only about £10, but it was pretty good to have that extra bit of cash to spend inside (which I did, and then some!).
It was pretty packed inside the venue, as there were actually 4 or 5 shows going on at once: V-Delicious, the Allergy and Free From Show, the Back Pain show, an Organic Food Show, and potentially one other. I was actually quite disappointed that the Vegetarian/Vegan Show had the fewest stalls, as that was all I really wanted to see. Anywho... what was there was great!
I discovered this absolutely GREAT product that I would (and will) recommend to all my friends, vegans and meat-eaters alike. What is this dream product, I hear you ask - Rebel Kitchen Mylk. I probably wouldn't even have gone up to the stall if it hadn't been for their fantastic design, as there were too many people there, and I am NOT a fan of crowds. Their design is perfect. I wish I'd done it! It's fun and quirky, but still manages to remain wholesome and 'healthy' looking. The font's fantastic, and the logo. Even the shape of the cartons is great! Anyway, I'll stop my fangirling and just tell you to buy some! I tried all three 'adult flavours', Chai was my favourite, then Green Tea and Chocolate (and I don't even normally like chocolate flavoured things!). They also have three flavours tailored more to children, banana, chocolate orange and chocolate again.
I looked round some more stalls, sampled some Nakd Bars, not that I needed to, I buy them often enough. But .. free!? I also got to try these AWESOME Caribbean Patties, but I can't remember what they were called :( They were absolutely delicious, and I will definitely try and create something similar for the blog. Aside from these things, everything else was pretty much the same: Milk! Soya Milk, Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, Rice Milk etc. I had my fill.
After this I stumbled into the Vegan Society 40s Tea Party. There were only about 30 seats, and to be honest, all I was really looking for was a sit down. Anyway, this was a pretty good move on my part, as everyone in the room was showered with free food. I got to try soooo many vegan treats, from cheese and chorizo to crisps, cakes and the best vegan brownie I have EVER had! Not only this, but as I was leaving I got a goodie bag that was packed full of even MORE goodies! All in all, a good place to find a seat.
At this point I was feeling pretty good, my total spend was £1.50 (on a Rebel Kitchen Chai Drink), and I'd managed to get in, have about £10 worth of samples, and another £10 worth of swag! Woo! So, classic me, I then went and spent £15 on a book. Not just any book though, 'The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes Around' by Ms Cupcake. This is a book filled to the brim with vegan cake and cookie recipes that you would never know were cruelty free. I had a flick through at the stall and couldn't put it down. I knew I had to have it. They sweetened the deal by giving me two free cakes. Yum!
Overall a good time was had by all (me), and I can't wait to work my way through all my goodies, and the Ms Cupcake Cookbook!
Hope you had a good weekend.
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